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Side Scan Sonar Systems
Side Scan Sonar Systems Guide
At Invocean, we are proud to partner with industry leaders Blueprint Subsea, Cerulean, and Ping DSP to bring you some of the most advanced Side Scan Sonar Systems on the market. Our mission is to equip Invocean and your ROV, AUV, and USV vehicles with the best sonar technology, enabling you to explore the underwater world with unparalleled precision and clarity.
Unleash the Power of Side Scan Sonar
Our Side Scan Sonar Systems are designed to provide high-resolution images of the seafloor, making them an essential tool for underwater exploration and surveying. With our sonar systems, you can detect objects, measure distances, and create detailed maps of the underwater environment.
ROV Sonar: A New Dimension in Underwater Exploration
Our ROV Sonar Systems are specifically designed to enhance the capabilities of your underwater drones. With the integration of our ROV Side Scan Sonar, your underwater drone sonar capabilities will be significantly enhanced, allowing for more detailed and accurate underwater mapping.
Dive Deeper with Underwater Drone Sonar
Our Drone Sonar technology is designed to withstand the pressures of deep-sea exploration. Whether you're conducting a scientific research mission, carrying out a search and rescue operation, or exploring a shipwreck, our drone sonar will provide you with the detailed, high-resolution images you need to complete your mission successfully.
Equip Your Unmanned vehicle with the Best Side Scan Sonar Equipment
At Invocean, we understand that the quality of your side scan sonar equipment can make or break your underwater exploration mission. That's why we've partnered with Blueprint Subsea, Cerulean, and Ping DSP to bring you the best side scan sonar systems on the market. With our equipment, you can trust that your ROV, AUV, or USV will be equipped with the most advanced sonar technology available.
Invocean: Your Partner in Underwater Exploration
At Invocean, we're more than just a supplier of side scan sonar systems. We're your partner in underwater exploration. Whether you're operating an ROV, AUV, or USV, our sonar systems will provide you with the tools you need to explore the underwater world with confidence.
Explore the depths with Invocean. Dive into the future of underwater exploration with our advanced side scan sonar systems. Contact us today to learn more about our products and how we can help you achieve your underwater exploration goals.
Available Side Scan SonarÂ
The Blueprint Subsea Starfish
Exceptional imagery in compact form for ROV, AUV and USV
Specifically designed for shallow water survey work, the StarFish range offers towed, hull-mounted and OEM systems.
Stable full-length tri-fin design
Simple setup and operation
Frequencies from 450kHz-1MHz, using CHIRP technology
Up to a 200m swathe coverage
Horizontal beam width as low as 0.3°
Towed systems depth rated of 50m and OEM to 2000m
Simple, intuitive operator software
Towed StarFish systems allow quick and easy, single person deployment making them ideal for survey work and Search And Rescue (SAR) applications. The innovative full-length tri-fin design provides a stable platform for improved image capture and the single tow-line cable keeps setup and operation as simple as possible.
OEM StarFish systems are lightweight and extremely compact. The transducers offer multiple mounting options to allow easy ROV and AUV integration.
All StarFish systems utilise CHIRP technology and are available in 450kHz for increased range and 1MHz for improved resolution.

3DSS™, where bathymetry meets 3D imagery
A ground-breaking sonar that provides extended range coherent side scan, IHO Exclusive Order swath bathymetry, and stunning 3D point clouds.
High-resolution underwater imaging and mapping has never been easier or more affordable.
A compact dual transducer 3D sidescan for over-the-side pole-mounted and small AUV applications.
The 3DSS-DX utilizes state-of-the-art acoustic transducer array technologies, SoftSonar™ electronics, and advanced signal processing techniques to produce superior swath bathymetry and 3D side-scan imagery. This patented technology is able to resolve multiple concurrent acoustic arrivals, separating backscatter from the seabed, sea-surface, water-column and multipath arrivals. The result is stunning 3D side-scan imagery spanning the entire water-column, and superior swath bathymetry from a compact, easy-to-use sonar.
Proven Bathymetry Accuracy and Repeatability (IHO Exclusive Order).
High Resolution True 3D Imagery.
Real-time 3D point cloud display and target capture software.
Simultaneous 3D Side-scan, 2D Side-scan, and Bathymetry data outputs.
Wide swath coverage, up to 14 times water depth.
Patented processing techniques as well as beamforming eliminates multipath and surface reflection interference.
Support for 3rd party hydrographic survey hardware and software.
Compact, Low Power, easy-to-use. Suitable for ASV and AUV applications.

The 3DSS-DX-450 AUV integration package is a flexible, compact dual transducer sonar package configurable to unmanned platforms requiring high resolution 3D imagery.
3DSS-DX-450-AUV incorporates a patented signal processing methodology that extends the single angle-of-arrival principle used in interferometric systems to accommodate multiple simultaneous backscatter arrivals (e.g. the seabed, sea surface, water-column, and multipath). The result is superior wide swath bathymetry and true 3D sidescan imaging and from a compact, easy-to-use sonar.
The DX-450-AUV provides multi-angle imaging to unmanned platforms over ultra-wide swath. Low logistics operation and low power requirements make the 3DSS-DX-450 AUV package the perfect sonar to provide wide swath 3D imagery on unmanned platforms from the surf zone to 4km below the surface.
Compact, Low Power, easy-to-use. Suitable for ASV and AUV applications.
4000m Depth Rating.
Simultaneous 3D Side-scan, 2D Side-scan, and Bathymetry data outputs.
Proven Bathymetry Accuracy and Repeatability (IHO Exclusive Order).
High Resolution True 3D Imagery.
Real-time 3D point cloud display and target capture software.
Wide swath coverage, up to 14 times water depth.
Patented processing techniques as well as beamforming eliminates multipath over complex bottoms and wide swaths.
Support for 3rd party hydrographic survey hardware and software.

Omniscan 450 SS - Side Scan Sonar
The Omniscan 450 SS is tailored for side-scan applications. It has a longer transducer which gives 50% better angular resolution and 150m maximum range.
For scanning both sides simultaneously, order quantity 2. SonarView integrates both devices together as if they were a single system.
As the ROV or surface vessel moves, SonarView “paints” the image of the scanned area of the sea floor giving excellent situational awareness in the murkiest conditions.
In the case of a surface vessel with GPS or an ROV with DVL, scanning is translational as well as rotational. A key feature of the Omniscan 450 is its integration via SonarView with the vehicle's MAVLINK data stream. Using the vehicle's attitude and location information, SonarView displays each ping in its correct absolute orientation and position.
The Omniscan 450 SS transducer is rated to 300m operating depth. Two units of the Omniscan 450 SS can be combined in SonarView for the conventional side-scan application in which both sides are scanned simultaneously.
The electronics module must be mounted in the vehicle’s water tight enclosure.